Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Up, Up, Up and Away...

We met with Katelyn's developmental pediatrician yesterday to discuss medication options. Her doctor decided to try one more increase of the Risperdal, stating that this will probably be the last time and we may need to try another med if this is not effective. She increased her morning dose to 1-1/2 tablets and kept her evening dose at 1 tablet (0.25 mg). We are hoping this does the trick since she has not had any adverse reactions to the Risperdal so far.

This Saturday, Katelyn will complete the last 2-hour session of her neuropsych evaluation and we will meet for the feedback appointment on 12/7.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If this doesn't work, there will be other options. I have faith in my God and in Katelyn. I will never give up hope for a better life for her. Mimi