Thursday, January 15, 2009

Boston Medical Center, Here We Come...

I was not expecting to hear from them this soon, but the hospital called this morning to get the ball rolling for Katelyn's 24-hour EEG. It will take place next Wednesday! We have an appointment for a neurological evaluation at 10am and then she will be admitted for the procedure. The pediatric neurologist who will be doing the procedure sounds wonderful, and he has experience specifically with autism, which makes me feel very comfortable.

We started Katelyn on the low-dose Keppra and so far she seems to be tolerating it. She actually seemed to be able to focus more and was actually interested in playing and interacting today, which is a very good sign. She also did not appear to have any of the strange facial movements that we suspect could be the seizures, but she did cry spontaneously and thrash around a little bit from time to time, for no reason that was obvious to me. I really hate the idea of having to medicate her, especially since we are not even 100% sure that she is having seizures, but we have put our trust in the doctor. Hopefully we will be able to get some answers after the testing next week.


Katiebear said...

I'm glad to hear they were able to get her in sooner for her 24 hr VEEG as well. I hope everything goes well with that and the neurological appointment.

mommyjill said...

Hi there Shannon- Hope you get the answers you need soon! I will keep you in my prayers- let us know what you find out! Jill

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping the EEG went well & there were no complications.
Sending love, fellow TE friend!

Katiebear said...

just checking in to see how everything is going!

wiebke said...

hey girl! how did it go? I hope you got encouraging results!
