Friday, February 27, 2009

Chalkin' It Up...

Today, Katelyn, Ashley and I went to my friend Melissa's house for a playdate with her two daughters, Mia and Megan. Mia is a few months older than Katelyn and Megan is only a few months old. I wasn't sure how Katelyn would be since we hadn't been to Melissa's house in over a year. When we first arrived, Katelyn met their dog, Fenway, and she said, "Tucker," who is her uncle's dog. Then Fenway began licking her face and rubbing her and Katelyn clenched her face and said, "Okay, okay, doggie, okay!" It was the cutest thing.

Katelyn was much more interactive with Mia than I had expected. She even played dinosaurs and blocks with her, and shared some snacks. We then went outside since it was such a beautiful day today. Mia brought out some sidewalk chalk and started drawing on the driveway. Katelyn hadn't used sidewalk chalk before, but she went right over and took a piece and began drawing nonstop for a good while. She used different colors and was really focused. I then asked her to draw a circle and she did, which is huge since she usually only draws straight lines. Then I asked her to draw a heart, square and triangle, and she did those as well!

She and Mia collected sticks and played with the wood chips and then it was time for us to leave. Overall, it was a really great day for all of us!


mommyjill said...

So glad to hear that she is interacting so well socially- she is much more verbal than my son is- he will say things like that but only after copying someone else say it. So has she driven you crazy with the indoor swing yet- I know Lukey would :)

Giraffe's Song said...

LOL, yes, she is wanting to be on the swing 24-7 (she is on it right now actually!), but we have noticed that she has been more stimmy since being on it so much, so her ABA therapist said to limit it to about twice a day for 30 min tops each time.

Unknown said...

YAY! We had such a great time! So glad you guys came over and I'm EXTREMELY impressed with how well Katelyn is doing. Honestly, I agree with your Music Together teacher...if I didn't know it, I probably wouldn't guess that Katelyn has autism! You are doing a fabulous job. Let's get together again soon! If the weather keeps up, maybe it will be time to hit the Capron Park Zoo!

Giraffe's Song said...

Awww, thanks, Melissa! We had a wonderful time and we cannot wait to see you all again very soon!!! The zoo would be awesome! :) (((HUGS)))